How to Wash Makeup Brushes
Friday, January 16, 2015
Kelly McMenamin in Beauty & Fashion, Beauty & Fashion Classic Freedom, Beauty & Fashion Classic Structure, Beauty & Fashion Fun Freedom, Beauty & Fashion Fun Structure, Beauty & Fashion Organic Freedom, Beauty & Fashion Organic Structure, Beauty & Fashion Smart Freedom, Beauty & Fashion Smart Structure, How to wash makeup brushes

One of the first times my sister-in-law — makeup artist, entrepreneur, extraordinaire, Rebecca Perkins of Rouge New York — did my makeup using my own brushes she was horrified by how dirty they were. I had never washed them. Honestly, I didn't know I was supposed to wash them and even if maybe deep down I knew this instinctively, I figured it must be a chore. I had no idea how easy it was but it is. It's 6 steps.

Baby shampoo.
Squeeze out water.
Lay flat to dry. 

The only flourish Rebecca adds is that you can use conditioner for extra love. I am now much better about cleaning my brushes (every now and then) and use the soap in my bathroom when baby shampoo isn't on hand. I figured it's better than nothing. Life should be easy. 

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