Ransacked by Rouge New York
I try to live by the advice I dole out to clients and frequently purge things — clothes, shoes, paper, doodads and whatnots. Keeps clutter at bay and me happy. Makeup is the only thing that's impervious to these purges. What thwarts me is incompetence, "Maybe I could wear that bright blue eye shadow if I knew how to apply it," but also guilt over buying blue eye shadow and never using it and then worry that I might desperately miss the blue shadow if I toss it. So when new, uber-hip make-up salon, Rouge New York, came up with The Ransack service — you bring your make-up bag to them, they tell you what to toss, what to keep, what to add and how to accomplish a look with the remainder — I was sold.
Death, Taxes & Procrastination
You know the saying, "The only two things in life that are certain are death & taxes." I think it's time to edit this saying because procrastination is also a certainty. ALL personality types do it. Everybody. Some types — Funs (SP), Organic Freedoms (ENFP & INFP), and Smart Freedoms (ENTP & INTP) — are just better at it than others. Today's tip is why different personality types procrastinate plus a helpful tip to make your next tax season just a little easier courtesy of our favorite bookkeeper, Marlene Cantor, at Executive Bookkeeping Services who spoke at The NY Network breakfast meeting a few weeks ago.
The "New" Rules of De-Cluttering
So I'm not as much a slave to women's magazines as I used to be but I couldn't help myself with This March's Oprah magazine. Nothing I'm going to write about is up on their website yet, but there are some good ideas in there to help you in the never-ending quest to be organized which by definition means banishing clutter for good. I won't go through all the 13 "New" ways to declutter (as some of them are, ahem, old) but also because it's worth the $4.50 to read for yourself. I will, however, let you know which of these ideas will not work for some PixieTypes and which will work for all or might be a stretch.
The Quiet Watch of the Lion Mama
A long time ago on an airplane ride going from New York to Cleveland, I was the mother of four- and two-year old girls who instead of screaming or climbing, or generally making a nuisance of themselves as many young children on airplanes are wont to do, one was quietly tracing her letters, while the other was quietly playing with dolls. Tiger mother anyone? Yeah, um, nope. Anyone who knows me, and my personality type, Organic Freedom (NFP) also knows that I would do anything to keep my kids occupied so I could be left alone to read a People magazine — think candy, Bendaryl, my iPhone, even Play-Doh. See, that whole personality type thing we keep going on about? Yeah, we're really born that way.